Practical Violin Lessons Made Easy...

How often does a violinist get the chance to learn all the little nuances from one of the greatest violinists in the world today? THAT is what I like about ViolinMasterPro. I am directly connected to a master violinist who has also been a master teacher of concert, band, and electronic musicians.

For 40 years, Eric Lewis has been 1st violinist of the Manhattan String Quartet. He's performed throughout the US & Canada, South America, Europe, Russia & the far east. He's taught a ton of people who are now professional violinists.

Believe me, I am NOT a great violinist. I have a job and a family. I love to play, but I  don't have 6 or 8 hours a day for my music. Maybe an hour ... and not always even that. (My kids aren't violinists, and they need attention, too!)

But just to give one example of what Dr. Lewis violin lessons does that I love – he has an "ear training" method that teaches you to play music from memory. Everybody thinks you have to be born with this, but I am proof that you can learn it. When I'm playing, I feel like I know how Ray Charles must have felt. You can just hear a piece of music a couple
times, then actually play it ... and actually recognize it!

The level of confidence this gives me when performing for family & friends is incredible. And it's not like I'm playing "Chopsticks." Lewis teaches you how to tie together some really challenging passages, scales & riffs. The best part was seeing the look on my wife's face when she realized how much I've improved. I will remember that look forever.

And it doesn't matter what style you play - classical, Hip Hop, Country, Latin, Rock ... anything. This training is on video, so you just watch it and learn it step-by-step, and then you do it.

The best part of this is, I have loved the violin since I was a young boy. And there are many times I think I've played very well. But it's always seemed like such a struggle. I figured it would always be that way, because I just didn't have the time to take my playing to the next level.

You can't imagine how surprised I am that Dr. Lewis has taken me up 2 or 3 levels in just a few weeks. These videos have actually changed my life. If you're willing to follow a simple plan, you can get the same results.

Read more about ViolinMasterPro Easy Violin Lessons